Garden of Prayer Youth Center is a faith-based, nonprofit organization that was incorporated in 1995. Garden of Prayer is a child welfare agency licensed by the Department of Children and Family Services and governed by a Board of Directors that supports the center and its mission. The ultimate goal of our agency is "Keeping Families Together.”
At Garden of Prayer Youth Center, we support children and their families with quality services so they have the ability to succeed.
Today, GOPYC services include group home and residential services, emergency and specialized foster care services, individual and family counseling, family advocacy and support services, early childhood education services, mentoring, tutoring, after school recreation, life skills training, and job readiness training.
Garden of Prayer Youth Center's mission is to plant the seeds of hope in children by providing mental health and educational services that will produce success.
The vision of Garden of Prayer Youth Center is to see a world full of strong families held together by love and hope. It is our vision to be the nation’s premier family service agency. It is our desire to be the Walmart of family services.